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Whether you're a business or an individual supporter, find out below how you can get involved with The Makerspace at Portland Works.
For Businesses
Launching a brand-new venue is not easy, but with your help we can start something truly special together. Millions of people nationwide love the performing arts. We'd like you to be the face of the theatre industry's post-pandemic revival by partnering with the newest performance venue in Sheffield, and supporting The Makerspace at Portland Works.
If you’re looking for more information, please take a look at our Business Partnerships document below, which details exactly how your money will make a difference, and the benefits your business will receive in return for your support.
If you would like to chat with us directly, please do email us at or call our producer Pippa on 07964 815574.
Many thanks in advance for your support, and we look forward to hearing from you.